
IT 可访问性 政策 and Process


newbb电子平台制定了这项政策,以使该机构与美国残疾人法案(ADA)的非歧视条款保持一致。, 修订的, 《newbb电子》第504条以及俄亥俄州在2017年8月对包容性的承诺. 

政策04.001资讯科技可及性 requires all purchased and created digital products and services to adhere to 俄亥俄州's digital accessibility guidelines. 俄亥俄州的指导方针是基于万维网联盟(W3C)的Web内容可访问性指导方针 (WCAG) 2.0级AA

自2017年8月17日起,所有新的IT采购和新网页必须遵守这些新准则. While OIT does have a digital accessibility team to build toward this goal, 信息技术无障碍政策要求newbb电子平台社区的所有成员承担所有权和责任,使我们的数字产品和服务对我们校园里的每个人都有用,无论是在物理上还是在网上. To assist with this, OIT has launched the 数字可访问性 网络 for learning opportunities and to advance digital accessibility goals. 

我们的一些业务流程和工作方式需要改变——这并不总是一件容易的事情. As an added benefit, the WCAG 2.0指南包含了可用性原则,这些原则将使人们受益,无论他们的残疾状况如何. 

可访问性 and the Buying Process

请浏览 俄亥俄州 Technology Review page for complete requirements for purchasing IT services or products. 可访问性是整个审查过程的一部分,在考虑产品或服务时,您可以做一些事情,OIT可以帮助您:

  • Solicit accessibility information. newbb电子平台投标人和供应商必须证明提供给newbb电子平台的信息技术符合或满足万维网联盟的网络内容可访问性指南(WCAG) 2.0, Level AA success criteria whenever this is possible. Vendors may do so by providing any of the following:  
  • Validate accessibility information received. 任何可行的, OIT's digital accessibility staff, or other qualified staff with expertise in digital accessibility, will attempt to validate the information provided by bidders and vendors, by  
    • 从投标人或供应商处获取额外信息,以全面透彻地了解产品或服务的可及性; 
    • consulting with independent third parties who have evaluated the product or service for accessibility; or 
    • conducting an internal evaluation of the accessibility of the product or service  
  • Include accessibility assurances in contracts. 在网站采购合同中应加入下列合同用语, webnewbb电子程序, 软件系统, 电子文档, 电子学习, multimedia and programmable user interfaces wherever practicable:  
    • 承包商承认并理解其软件是由客户授权提供给其学生的.  承包商承认并理解,作为接受联邦资助的公立高等教育机构, Customer is required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. 12101等序列. and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 29 USC 701 et. Seq.  承包商同意其软件将遵守美国残疾人法案,42美国.S.C. 12101等序列. and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, 29 USC 701 et seq. as those laws apply to Customer, will be accessible to individuals with disabilities, and will meet current newbb电子平台 Digital Content 可访问性 的指导方针.  承包商同意,未能提供无障碍产品即违反本协议. 承包商承认,在[日期]之前,某些服务将无法通过ADA访问,而服务提供商已承诺在其[日期]版本中实现可访问性. 服务提供商同意,未能提供无障碍产品即从[日期]开始违反本协议。. 
What is the Review Process?

信息和通信技术(ICT)采购和OIT建立的网站或网络newbb电子程序的可访问性审查过程始于一个 OIT Technical Review Request form submitted by the 俄亥俄州 employee making the purchase. 参观 OIT software purchase page 欲知详情.

此表单将帮助易访问性和安全性团队确定产品的风险级别和业务用途. If further review is needed, OIT will send a more detailed form to the vendor to begin the review process.

那些没有通过任何级别的可访问性审查的产品可以从 IT 可访问性 policy. For full documentation of this process, please visit the newbb电子平台 可访问性 website.

What is an Automatic Exception?

Under certain circumstances, an 自动异常 to newbb电子平台 policy 04.可根据信息和通信技术(ICT)的成本和使用该技术的学生数量授予信息技术可访问性. 

然而, 无论成本或学生人数如何,任何ICT都不会自动获得审查过程的例外, 如果该信息通信技术是学生完成其学术要求所必需的,或者如果信息通信技术用于关键/重要的交易. 例子包括:

  • 学习 Management Systems and integrations
  • Standalone instructional support *
  • ICTs Used for critical or important transactions like 
    • 校园房屋
    • 餐厅
    • Registering for classes
    • 付账单
    • Obtaining transcripts
    • or to complete required training like AlcoholEDU.

* "Instructional support application" means a software application, whether used 

  • 在单一课程中 
  • 按部门划分 
  • by a college or by a school 
  • 或全校范围 

which 俄亥俄州 makes available to students, and which is 设计和专用于收集或提供课程内容或作业的目的, or assessing student performance.


Instructional support applications are either "non-独立的,“因为它们包含由文本出版商和书本长度的课程材料提供(直接或通过第三方)的补充数字内容, or "独立的," because they do not contain such content.  Non-独立的 content is not subject to accessibility review at this time

Examples of 独立的 instructional support applications include:

  • Turnitin
  • LearnSmart
  • 高等教育
  • Pearson MyLab Mastering
  • WebAssign
How can I speed up the process?

Make 可访问性 a Business Requirement

When you are considering purchasing or renewing software or a web application, 您应该将“可访问性”添加到购买前必须满足的需求列表中. 通过这样做, 在您考虑成为客户之前,您可以要求供应商展示其产品的可访问性. 这样,你就可以确保你的产品能够为最广泛的用户服务. Since 俄亥俄州 requires adherence to WCAG 2.0指导方针,这也意味着软件工具更倾向于关注整体可用性.


  • 早点出发!
    • 如果产品即将更新,请尽早提出可访问性审查请求.
    • The 数字可访问性 office usually has a large backlog of vendors reviews, it can take 2-4 weeks to review your vendor.
  • Look for accessibility statements and VPATs on vendor websites - if you don't see this, keep looking for another solution.
  • 要求销售人员演示解决方案如何与辅助技术一起工作.
  • Ask if the vendor has developers experienced in web accessibility.
  • 对于大宗采购, 请求OIT业务办公室的支持,以找到最适合您需求的解决方案.