Community Engaged Scholars

欢迎来到社区学者名录! 该目录是newbb电子平台教职员工的可搜索列表,他们是知识渊博的主题专家,并表现出对道德社区参与的承诺.


  • 为有兴趣与newbb电子平台教职员工合作的外部合作伙伴提供资源.
  • 提高对社区参与教师和管理人员的认识和认可. 
  • 建立一个网络,分享职业发展机会, networking events, 以及竞争性的州和国家社区参与奖励机会.  

你是有兴趣加入名录的学者吗? Learn more about 社区参与学者培训, or fill out the form here 如果你已经是培训项目的校友 (前称服务学习c课程培训).

Tiffany Arnold

Department or Program: Interdisciplinary Health Studies
Interest Area: 阿巴拉契亚,阿巴拉契亚文化能力,边缘化人口,贫困 & Basic Needs, Social Justice
Headshot of Tiffany

Rebecca Challenger

助理主任,学术协调员, & 俄亥俄艺术与科学学院强化英语课程教学教授
Department or Program: 俄亥俄州强化英语课程(OPIE)
Interest Area: Special Education and ESL, ESL materials development, culturally sensitive pedagogy, 跨文化交流与教师培训
Headshot of Rebecca

Joseph Crowley

Department or Program: 娱乐,体育教育学和消费者科学
Interest Area: 边缘化人群,场所建设,社会正义,体育 & Recreation, Children & Youth, Leadership Education, Environmental Education, Economic Development, Older Adults, Persons with Disabilities
Headshot of Joe

Tobe Gillogly

Department or Program: 跨学科健康研究系
Interest Area: Marginalized Populations, Poverty & Basic Needs, Social Justice, Arts & Culture, Children & 青年,辅导,幼儿教育,领导教育,自闭症服务 & Advocacy, Special Needs Services & Advocacy, Clinical Health
Headshot of Tobe

Michael Kopish

Department or Program: Teacher Education
Interest Area: Global Citizenship Education, Globally Competent Teaching; Community Engaged Teacher Education, Service Learning; Inclusive Classroom Practices in Social Studies.
headshot of Mike Kopish

Jamie Lambert

Department or Program: 俄亥俄国际咨询项目
Interest Area: Marketing, Nonprofit Marketing, Teaching Effectiveness, Service Learning, Consulting Programs, Team Projects
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Courtney Lefebvre Little

Department or Program: Center for Campus & Community Engagement
Interest Area: 集体影响,社区工作研究,志愿者协调,跟踪 & 社区参与评估、策略规划
Headshot of Courtney

Peter Mather

Department or Program: Counseling and Higher Education
Interest Area: 人权,边缘化人群,地方建设,贫困 & Basic Needs, Race & 种族,社会公正,师徒关系,经济发展,劳动力发展
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Mary Nally

Director, University College
Department or Program: Center for Campus & Community Engagement
Interest Area: 社区参与,校园-社区伙伴关系,公民身份 & 公民参与,公民对话,粮食系统,粮食正义,经济适用房,社会正义
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Michelle O'Malley

语言学教学副教授 & 文理学院本科生主席
Department or Program: Linguistics
Interest Area: Applied sociolinguistics, forensic linguistics, ethnography, Appalachia, language systems and identity, social justice, place-making, mentorship, leadership, environmental leadership & sustainability
headshot of Michelle O'Malley

Julia Paxton

Department or Program: Economics
Interest Area: Economics, poverty alleviation, effective philanthropy, food security,  以及当地和全球的经济发展.
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Rebecca Robison-Miller

Department or Program: Community Engagement
Interest Area: Health & 健康差距、粮食不安全/饥饿、边缘化人口、贫困 & Basic Needs, Social Justice, Children and Youth, Early Childhood Education, Mental Health, Relationship & Sexual Violence, Homelessness & Housing, Older Adults,
Headshot of Rebecca

Jeff Russell

Department or Program: “newbb电子健康科学与健康” & SHAPe Clinic
Interest Area: 为表演艺术家提供医疗保健, performing arts medicine (dance, music, theatre, circus, tv, film, marching band), clinical health, mental health
Headshot of Jeff Russell

Kerri Shaw

Department or Program: Social Work Field Education
Interest Area: 人权、法律倡导、边缘化人群、贫困 & Basic Needs, Race & 种族,社会公正,选举参与 & 投票权、临床健康、心理健康、劳动力发展、性别 & Sexuality, Immigrants & Refugees
headshot of Kerri

Nancy Stevens

Professor, Functional Morphology & 脊椎动物古生物学,传统骨科医学院
Department or Program: 生态学和进化研究中心
Interest Area: Biodiversity Conservation, 生态旅游和世界上最濒危的灵长类动物, Conservation, Dinosaurs, Ecotourism, Environmental Change Through Time, Extinction, 运动运动学的现场和实验室研究, Fossils, Paleontology
Headshot of Nancy

Thom Stevenson

Department or Program: 娱乐,体育教育学和消费者科学
Interest Area: Hospitality Industry, Foodways/Food Sovereignty Systems, Universal Design; Experiential Learning in the Areas of Hospitality and Social Enterprise; Training in the World’s Classroom for a Greater Understanding of Connections.
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Rachel Terman

Department or Program: 社会与人类学系
Interest Area: Rural sociology, Appalachian studies, 性别与身份社会学, Women's studies, Social inequalities
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Andie Walla

Department or Program: School of Media Arts & Studies
Interest Area: Media & Broadcasting
Andie holding a camera

Christine Zachrich

Department or Program: newbb电子健康科学与健康学院
Interest Area: 与社区合作伙伴合作,获得有监督的实践经验, implementation, 以及社区合作伙伴营养课程的评估
Headshot of Christine